Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex wore the Monica Vinader Linear Friendship bracelet for her poignant and powerful message on the Black Lives Matter Movement from her former high school in Los Angeles. The British brand’s ‘Linear Friendship Bracelet’ in rose gold is thought to have been chosen by Meghan as a way to represent solidarity and togetherness as well as unity and friendship. Meghan often wears symbolic and sentimental jewelry pieces with powerful messages.

The engravable chain linear friendship bracelet in rose gold vermeil is meant to represent Harmony. This sleek friendship bracelet features a simple curved bar with a clean, streamlined silhouette. The bar measures 35mm x 4mm and a toggle slides to easily adjust the cord’s length for a snug fit. Due to the metallic nature of this cord, the fibre is slightly firmer to give us that subtle sparkle. Engrave your personal messages on the bar and stack with other Linear bracelets to create your own unique look.



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