While rift rumors have long circulated since Meghan Markle was welcomed into the royal fold as a Windsor wife and duchess, no reputable source has ever substantiated all this gossip and hearsay. While it’s unlikely that the Duchess of Cambridge and the Duchess of Sussex have tons of free time to pal around the palace sipping tea and poking fun at Camilla’s latest animal encounter or  Princess Beatrice’s hat collection, there is surely a very strong connection between these two women. As both are near the same age, moms and married to high profile British men, they share more than just a few superficial commonalities. Plus, they’re also part of the most famous family in the world.

Here are 5 Reasons We Think Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle are Destined to be Best Friends:

  1. Sporty Sisterhood

Both Duchess Kate and Duchess Meghan have a fondness for fitness and sports. Meghan was seen enjoying the tennis matches at Wimbledon even before meeting Prince Harry and Catherine has long been a devotee of the sport. Plus, both ladies love pilates, yoga and running.

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2. Windsor Whisperers

Kate and Meghan both share the fact that they were commoners and joined the family as ‘outsiders.’ While Harry and William grew up and were raised royal, both women have had to adapt to a new lifestyle with many commitments and obligations. Serving the Crown is not always easy and both duchesses can rely on each other for comforting advice and reassuring rapport.


3. Mummy Dearest

Since baby Archie is getting ready for his first official royal tour to Africa, Meghan likely has sought advice from Kate who brought son Prince George to New Zealand and Australia when he was around nine months old. Little Archie Harrison will be around four months when the couple travel to South Africa in late September. Both women share the unique experience of raising their children as heirs to the British throne and can swap survival strategies in this often challenging role as mom and royal rearer.


4. Tiara Twosome

Both Meghan and Kate are bound to be royal besties just because of their fashionista status. These ladies can make or break brands with their style choices and often will wear the same designers like Reiss, Alexander McQueen and Victoria Beckham. Surely, they’ve had a wine and wardrobe session together at Frogmore Cottage!


5. Diana’s Daughter-in-Laws

Both royal ladies have married brothers who lost their mother in a tragic accident at a young age. As a support system for their husbands who likely still experience episodes of grief, both women are tasked with the challenge of helping their spouses overcome sadness and pain. In addition, as both women never met the late princess, they must relay stories to their children based on their husbands’ memories and stories from the family. Together, Meghan and Kate can share in the difficult role of having a bereaved husband.



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