Women the world over have marveled at the pregnancy of Meghan Markle. Amy Schumer declared her a freak of nature as she can look effortlessly glam, wear 6-inch heels and not even break a sweat on various royal tours and engagements despite reaching the later stages of pregnancy. Yes, it’s true, Meghan’s healthy lifestyle, her positive attitude and her killer style–make her radiate joy and mom-to-be magic.
Here are 9 Times Meghan Markle’s Pregnancy Glow Was Off the Charts:
- Ray of Light
At a WellChild Awards ceremony in September, Meghan looked enchanting with a full smile and rosy cheeks. She was around 2 months pregnant at the time.
2. You Glow Girl
Meghan promised never to hide her freckles and to always showcase her beautiful complexion; the duchess showed she was true to her word when she wore a white Theia gown in Tonga that made her epic pregnancy glow even more evident.

3. Sussex Shine
Meghan doesn’t even need highlighter–her skin is so over-the-top luminous that we wonder if she’s not expecting twins?

4. Markle Sparkle
Glow on and get over yourself! Meghan’s glow could be seen from space. How does she look this good battling morning sickness, bloat and a bunch of new hormones?

5. Glow On
After a deliriously demanding travel schedule for the overseas tour, Harry and Meghan were almost finished with their intense engagement itinerary on their final day in New Zealand and yet Meghan looked flawless. What’s in the water at Kensington Palace?

6. Paradise Princess
Meghan once again proved that jet lag was no match for her tenacious glow. She looked especially gorgeous in Fiji with a bit of sunshine to emphasis her amazing cheekbones and perfectly glossy lips.

7. Fairytale Flush
Shield your eyes commoners–appearing this picture perfect in the beginning stages of pregnancy is no easy feat unless you have a princely suitor and some seriously staggering genes.

8. Killing Us Softly
Is it really fair that Meghan can look like she just stepped of the pages of a glossy beauty magazine while contending with the trials of pregnancy? Is she even human?

9. The Glow Show
The duchess looked mesmerizing with Prince Harry during the royal tour likely a result of of a rare couples night alone with her husband on a Fijian island the previous evening.