Residing in a plush Santa Barbara manse, the Duchess of Sussex is likely enjoying spending time with her family and relaxing in her new cozy Cali abode. And as Meghan transitions from royal plus one to Archewell ambassador and Hollywood heavyweight –she’s likely to spend lots of time at home planning projects, executing new initiatives and brainstorming future endeavors. Plus, she may be hosting a lot of intimate gatherings with new neighbors like Rob Lowe, Ellen Degeneres and Katy Perry.

And what will the duchess wear while potentially hosting for the holidays? Her Ugg slippers of course!

Ugg Tall Boots

Meghan appears to have worn a pair of Ugg Classic Sheepskin boots for a road trip in New Zealand. The dark chocolate brown boots are still currently available from select retailers and the shearling mid-calf boot in chestnut are also available at Nordstrom.



Ugg Bailey Button II

For a mid-morning brunch selfie, Meghan made the most of her weekend wear and showed off her perfectly coordinated sheepskin rugs from Ikea with her equally cozy sheepskin Bailey Button boots in the color sand. The iconic winter boots are also available in chestnut suede at Nordstrom.



Ugg Scuffette II Slippers

For a Suits autograph signing, Meghan looked to be wearing her Rachel Zane uniform with a fitted lilac pencil skirt and cozy cardigan plus her water-resistant slip-on shearling chestnut slippers.


Minnetonka Cally Slipper

In December 2016, Meghan gave a shoe selfie for social media and showed off her classic leather laced moccasins in the shade cinnamon suede.


Ugg Erin Booties

In a now iconic picture of father and son, Prince Harry looked every inch the doting dad as she showed off his pride and joy from the shores of Vancouver. Little Archie Harrison wore an adorable beanie and his plush lined suede Ugg Erin baby booties.


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