The Duchess of Cambridge looked like a Green Queen in her boucle blazer from Zara for St. Patrick’s day greetings alongside husband Prince William. While the couple typically mark the day with a holiday parade and a visit to military baracks — this year the couple sent their celebratory video message alongside other leaders around the world including US President Joe Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Japanese Princess Takamado.

In year’s past the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge mark the day with a visit with the Irish Guards and partake in a shamrock ceremony as well as enjoy a pint of Guinness. The duchess typically wears dark emerald dress coats from Hobbs, Catherine Walker and other designers.

Credit: @katiesroyallove Twitter

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this year Kate and William made their greetings from home. The duchess wore a green apple double-breasted blazer from Zara.

The duchess also wore her favorite shamrock pieces from Daniella Draper.

Sometimes Kate removes the shamrock from the charm earrings.

In Ireland, she wore the shamrocks attached to the gold hoop earrings.

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