The Duke and Duchess of Sussex shared a new photo of baby Archie Harrison with a bouquet of star balloons on the occasion of his second birthday. Opting to release the sepia toned image via their foundation Archewell — the Sussexes delighted fans with a peak of Archie in the yard of their home in Montecito clad in a casual ensemble of jeans, a sweater and sneakers.

Royal watchers identified Archie’s shoes as Revolution 5 Running sneakers in black and white. The Nike sneakers provide support and comfort for little ones on the playground and at school. The velcro shoes features a breathable mesh and fabric upper that stretches around little feet to help keep them cool and comfy with every move. Soft foam cushioning provides lightweight comfort at every growing step.

Another look at baby Archie.

Credit: royaladdicted_new/Instagram

Shop Archie’s sneakers at DSW and Kohls.


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