For months now there has been talk of a new era in Meghan Markle’s career — from actress to royal to ? But lately, the buzz is growing that Meghan is preparing to make a foray into the wellness arena. From wearing clear quartz necklaces promising to repel negativity and amplify energy to donning therapeutic transdermal patches for stress relief — the duchess appears to be ready for a reinvention as a holistic guru and wellness ambassador.
Plus, Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan recently went on a sushi date with New Age legend and Super Gooper Gwyneth Paltrow. Is Metaphysical Meghan on the horizon?

Here are the Signs Meghan Markle is Planning to Launch a Wellness Brand:
Any good Goop fan knows if you’re going to be like Gwyneth you better adhere to daily rituals — including reciting your mantras, balancing your chakras, practicing daily affirmations and cleansing your crystals (all before breakfast!). Meghan recently wore this Clarity Retreat Necklace on a hike with friends — quartz is believed to enhance calm, improve memory and provide grounding energy. We’re hoping Meghan cleansed her necklace pendant before donning it for a wilderness walk with friends.

2. Calm Patches
On an outing near her home in Montecito the duchess was spotted visiting an office complex wearing a NuCalm patch on her wrist. The biosignal processing discs are believed to provide frequencies to the wearer to support stress relief, relaxation and improved sleep. Will Meghan promote the patches on Tig 2.0?

3. Clevr Lattes
One of Meghan’s biggest endorsements since she left her royal role has been her work with Clevr Lattes. As the “first investor” with the company — Meghan has played a pivotal role in growing the latte label. The brand specializes in superlattes and superteas which are reported to offer “brain-boosting, mood lifting and mind-clearing” medicinals. Offering adaptogenic spiked coffee and chai for every persuasion from rose cocoa superlattes to dragonfly hibiscus supertea — this brand partnership could be a sign of Meghan’s launch into the wellness world.

4. Friends with Wellness Beauty Experts
Meghan’s hairstylist and colorist Kadi Lee shared a snap of a recent girls lunch with the duchess and poet Cleo Wade. Far from being just a casual girls gab session, the trio appeared to be close friends; it’s possible the women were comparing notes and sharing their holistic health habits. Kadi’s salon Highbrow Hippie focuses on wellness, spirituality and conscious living. The hair haven in Venice, California offers natural and organic coloring processes while operating a studio space that sells candles, astrology books, crystal essences and incense cones. The atelier even advertises yoga and meditation sessions with a teacher who specializes in herbalism, crystals and breathwork. Hair highlights with a side of healing is truly a beauty bonus!