The Duchess of Cambridge looked effortlessly elegant in a white knit off-the-shoulder gown by Barbara Casasola for an evening gala in recognition of Addiction Awareness Week. And true to her thrifty nature, Duchess Kate recycled the fashion-forward style from her closet; she was last spotted in the dress for a night at the Natural History Museum in 2016.


A similar dress is available from the designer and is now 50% off.

Kate added her sparkly silver glitter Jimmy Choo heels. The shoes are available from the Jimmy Choo website and feature silver coarse glitter.

Derek Momodu Twitter/Credit Ian Vogler

A better look at the pointed toe heels.

Kate carried the Charlie Steel Classic Silk grey clutch bag from Wilbur & Gussie (thanks to Middleton Maven).

Kate completed the look with Kiki McDonough earrings.

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