Despite a whirlwind weekend attending the wedding of good friend Misha Nonoo, Harry and Meghan looked ready to report for royal duty as they landed in Cape Town, South Africa after nearly 12 hours of time in the sky. The Sussexes were greeted with warm temperatures at the port city with coastal weather around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Despite the heat, little baby Archie was outfitted in a cozy white stocking cap and mom Meghan opted for a monochrome all white ensemble.

Via Mirror UK


Meghan paired her ivory jeans and pale gray sweater with Everlane Editor Slingbacks in Natural Suede. The chic slip on sandals are perfect for travel as they feature a sharp, pointed toe and a low vamp—ideal for looking polished on the go.

Meghan’s Fashion identified Meghan’s jacket as the Cuyana Short Wrap Coat.


The family of three made a quick dash to a waiting van filled with luggage as they prepared for their first engagement of the day–to the Justice Desk charity based at a Methodist church in Nyanga township in Cape Town. The couple will be met with music and dance at the organization which is aimed at educating children about their rights, self-awareness, and safety.

Credit: Daily Mail

Meghan and Harry will spend time with parents of children participating in projects run by the Justice Desk and supported by the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust. 

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