The Duchess of Sussex made a surprise appearance during her latest social media outing — the mom of two was acting as staff for Clevr Blends Coffee in a fun cameo shared on Instagram. Released by the Clevr team, Meghan’s video appearance includes the duchess wearing different casual ensembles and ‘intern’ garments including hoodies, jeans and sweaters. The duchess is even filmed raiding the company refrigerator and is spotted working on a computer alongside fellow employees.

In the IG video, the duchess is spotted wearing a Clevr Blends x Loud Flower Art Co hoodie sweatshirt in grey while filling boxes of coffee supplies in the company warehouse.

In addition, Meghan is filmed wearing glasses while working on a company computer. During the scene, Meghan takes sips from a Simple Modern Tumbler in the shade almond birch. The stainless steel tumbler is available at Target.

The duchess also donned a new cashmere sweater for a group meeting followed by a fist bump with co-workers — she wore a new COS light blue pure cashmere sweater designed with a classic crewneck and ribbed trims. The pullover is knitted in 100% cashmere.

The duchess paired the knit with her high-rise soft cotton La Ligne Valerie Jeans in the shade luca black. She previously wore the jeans with a striped sweater from La Ligne called the Mini Marina for a visit to a salon near her Montecito neighborhood in Santa Barbara in June 2023.

The duchess finished her California chic attire with her Celine ‘Triomphe’ square sunglasses in black.

Images via Clever Blends


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