The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge spoke with BBC Breakfast about the challenges of home schooling amid the pandemic lockdown. The pair were in good spirits as they discussed worries for Prince Charles, the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh during the virus crisis. They also detailed how their children were coping with the new restrictions by cooking, baking and setting up tents.

Kate made note of the invaluable work of the NHS — saying they’ve done an ‘extraordinary job.’ The couple also shared worries for the mental health of those on the frontline during such an arduous time.

For the morning program, Kate donned what’s believed to be a JoosTricot Striped Cotton Breton Sweater. The nautical inspired ‘French girl’ chic sweater was last spotted on the mom of three for the King’s Cup Regatta.

The striped cotton sweater was priced at $395 but is no longer available.


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