The Princess of Wales has given the first personal update on her health in a video message shared on social media. Filmed on a bench outdoors in a garden setting with cherry blossoms and yellow daffodils, the princess looked pensive as she bravely shared details of her January abdominal surgery and the outcome of the operation.

In the recorded video, the princess explains that though her surgery was thought to be non-cancerous, testing from the procedure revealed a different diagnosis.

The video filmed at Windsor on Wednesday of this week showed the mom of three speaking eloquently and emotionally during the 2:20 minute update. With her voice trailing off and at times shaky during the moving message, Kate appeared stoic but sad. Often referencing her children and family, the princess looked to be fighting back tears as she detailed her health hardships.

The princess revealed that her surgical recovery needed to be completed prior to undergoing chemotherapy. She disclosed that she started preventive chemotherapy treatment in late February of this year.

Kate’s inspiring video message sparked an avalanche of well-wishes with many admonishing the bullying and backlash the princess received for her Mother’s Day photo and absence from the spotlight.

Many of Kate’s patronages shared warm words of encouragement following the news. Westminster Abbey posted prayers for the princess while Wimbledon, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Rugby Football League, England Rugby and the Scouts offered their best wishes for a speedy recovery.

A poignant and personal tribute was also made by Kate’s younger brother James Middleton on Instagram.


(Out of respect for the princess we will not be sharing fashion details from her recorded video).

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